My Nose Is Blocked: Sinus Infection and Nasal Polyps
I don’t understand why so many people continue to live with persistently blocked noses affecting their quality of life! All they have to do is to see an experienced ENT doctor in Singapore for the solution to their problems. We see many patients at our clinic who suffer from blocked noses and breathing problems. Some patients present with recurrent episodes of sinus infection (sinusitis) which may be due to the growth of nasal polyps. Nasal polyps are benign lumps which form due to a thickening of the lining inside the nose. They may also lead to a poor sense of smell, as well as nasal discharge of mucus (runny nose). Although their true cause remains unknown, allergic rhinitis (hayfever) may be a risk factor for the formation of nasal polyps.

Left: Nasal polyps blocking the nose
Right: Trails of thick pus seen inside the nose due to sinus infection
Medication using nasal sprays and tablets is first tried to reduce the nasal polyps but it doesn’t always help so sinus surgery is then advised to clear the nasal polyps and open up the blocked sinus drainage pathways. This is performed entirely inside the nose with the help of an endoscope attached to a camera. Recovery is usually uneventful and patients can either go home the same day or the following day.
Sometimes, nasal polyps may be more worrying as some rare tumours of the nose may behave similarly. So if you can’t breathe through your nose, you should get it thoroughly checked out by a good ENT specialist in Singapore.
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