Do You Need An ENT Doctor Who Speaks Mandarin?

Do you know that we get many requests from patients who want to see a Chinese-speaking ENT doctor in Singapore?
I always assumed that all Chinese doctors would be able to speak Mandarin but this isn’t always true. At our busy ENT clinics in Singapore, I see many patients with ENT health problems who prefer to see a Chinese-speaking ENT doctor. Many call up the clinic to specifically request this. It is good conversing with patients in their own preferred language if possible because the doctor-patient relationship is more comfortable.
Albeit nasal allergies, sore throat, hearing loss, dizziness, neck lumps, ear lumps, we see all patients with ENT symptoms. Sometimes we see patients who fly in from overseas with complex ENT health problems. We see those who have unfortunately suffered surgical complications elsewhere to their ear, nose and throat systems. Patients from China, Vietnam and Indonesia also request to see a Chinese-speaking ENT doctor in Singapore. Even more important if they are seeking a trusted second opinion.
Other patients who are more comfortable speaking Chinese during their ENT consultation consist of foreign residents who moved to work here. Many Singaporeans are also more comfortable speaking to their ENT doctor in Mandarin/Chinese.
I gave a TV interview in Mandarin earlier this year about the risk of hearing loss from noise exposure at concerts held in Singapore. It went well but it felt like sitting for my secondary school Chinese oral exams again :)!
So we see many children and adults who prefer Mandarin-speaking doctors. Our Chinese-speaking ENT patients suffer from many ENT conditions. These include nasal allergies, blocked nose with difficulty breathing, hoarse voice, throat infections and neck lumps. I’m always happy to see Mandarin-speaking patients to help practise my own language skills. Patients learn how to manage their ENT problems from us but we doctors also learn other skills from our patients too!
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